Journal Publication on High-power Laser Diodes Posted on November 26, 2019 Title: Influence of Emitter Width on the Performance of 975-nm (In,Ga)(As,P)/(Al,Ga)As High-power Laser Diodes [Read More]
Journal Publication on Si Micro-ring Modulators Posted on November 3, 2019 Title: Large-signal SPICE model for depletion-type silicon ring modulators [Read More]
Journal Publication on Si Micro-ring Modulators Posted on July 28, 2019 Title: Parametric optimization of depletion-type Si micro-ring modulator performances [Read More]
Journal Publication on High-power Laser Diodes Posted on July 28, 2019 Title: High-power broad-area laser diode performance improvement with a double pedestal structure [Read More]
Moved to Si Photonics group at IMEC Posted on March 11, 2019 I have started working as an R&D engineer in a Si Photonics group at IMEC. [Read More]